A Safe Drink: Chemicals in Baby Bottles and Cups

Water is good for you. But when water, formula, milk or juice is stored in a container that leaches chemicals, the nourishing drink that you’ve prepared for your baby turns into something more – a chemical soup that you don’t want anyone to drink, let alone your child. Recently, there has been a lot of concern over a specific chemical, BPA. What are the concerns with chemicals in baby bottles and cups? As plastics are heated in the microwave or the dishwasher, they can release chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA). This particular chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen, and too … Continue reading

Walking Around with a Sippy Cup

In the past two days, I have witnessed two “sippy cup incidents” and I thought this might be a good place to discuss them. The first one, I was taking a cross-town bus and there was a two-year-old (or so) sitting in front of me(or standing, actually) alternating licking the condensed and foggy bus window and pouring juice from his sippy cup into the ridges around the window and down the wall. The second was last night at a fairly swanky art gallery show opening for three local artists. I quickly assessed that one of the artists was a twenty-something … Continue reading

How Long Do I Keep the Sippy Cups?

Alright, here is my confession for the day–I STILL have a dozen sippy cups tucked up in my kitchen cupboard. I have not been able to bring myself to throw them out even though my three children are all in the later years of high school and in less than a year, the eldest will be marching off to college. I don’t know what is worse–the fact that I still have the sippy cups, or the reality that my kids’ friends occasionally use them?! My kids don’t, I think because they are sort of embarrassed that their sentimental mom has … Continue reading