Teach Your Dog to Stay

Stay is a command that is useful in many situations — introducing your dog to new people, keeping your dog away from spilled food, and more. This can be a difficult command for young dogs; puppies often have a very short attention span and are easily distracted! Be patient with your dog and stick with positive reinforcement. If you’ll be using food rewards (most dogs really like food rewards) it might be a good idea to practice your tricks before mealtime — your dog will be hungry and more likely to pay close attention to you and the treats. Here’s … Continue reading

Teach Your Dog How To Sit

Sit is an easy command — and a useful one for your dog to know. There’s more than one way to teach your dog how to sit. Method One: Face your dog with a treat or toy in your hand. Show him the treat. Chances are, he’ll come to get it. As he approaches, raise the treat up and over his head. Chances are, he’ll sit down in order to keep his eyes on the food. Say SIT as soon as he starts to sit. Reward him with the treat! Method Two: Face your dog with a treat or toy … Continue reading