Preparing for Difficult Situations

It is not only single parents and single parent families who deal with difficult situations and circumstances, true—but there are some situations that we single parents get that the average two-parent family doesn’t: custody battles and conversations, court appearances, meetings with exes and ex-in-laws, possible counseling, mediation and therapy meetings, meeting with grief counselors, lawyers, etc.—you get the picture. While each of these circumstances is unique and each person’s life asks different things of them, there are things that we can do as single parents to prepare ourselves and our children for these difficult and challenging situations. I believe that … Continue reading

It is NOT Always the Child’s Fault

I am all for personal responsibility and definitely for children learning how their own behavior choices play out in natural consequences. After all, we do have to prepare our children to live in the real world with real people and real institutions. But, I wrote the yesterday about how our children’s behavior can be different depending on where they are and what they are dealing with and sometimes, there are other elements at play that the child just cannot control. Yes, I believe that our children do need to learn how to cope and deal with all sorts of situations … Continue reading