Portraits and Layouts: What’s With All the Sizes?

Portrait packages are notorious for coming with several different sizes. From almost too big to do anything with except hang on the wall, to being to small for anything that even resembles being able to see the photograph, the sizes can be challenging to work with. Yes indeed, the sizes of portraits are a problem. Those little bitty pictures are annoying, face it. You get dozens of them and they are so minute or tiny that they are even to small to reasonably work well in a typical persons wallet. How can you enjoy showing off pictures of your children … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts: Dealing With All Those Portraits

As part of this series about portraits and your layouts, I am determined to find solutions for what to do with each of the problems that faces a scrapbooker. Many scrapbookers find the simply obnoxious amount of photographs you get in a package to be overwhelming. What to do with all those pictures? The Number of Portraits is definitely a problem for scrapbookers. Yes, you usually receive dozens of the exact same picture in a portrait package. That can be great when you have a lot of relatives and friends and family to share with. But can also be really … Continue reading