Penn, Teller, & James Randi

Last Friday, I watched “Don’t Forget the Lyrics.” I love trying to get the lyrics correct on this game show, but usually, I record it and fast forward through the unnecessary dialogue that occurs. I mean really, did Monty Hall have to do contestant family reunions to get ratings? Would Chuck Woolery have stalled like Howie Mandel does? No. But, this past week was a special charity episode featuring illusionists Penn &Teller. I’ve written about Penn & Teller before because they are not only amazing illusionists, but also hilarious. Because of this, I decided to watch the entire show. Penn … Continue reading

Coping with Skeptics

I don’t know about you, but I have a healthy dose of skepticism as part of my personality–especially when it comes to parting with my hard-earned money and making purchases. I suppose I am what could be called a cautious and skeptical consumer. In our home businesses, many of us may have more than our fair share of skeptical consumers and it can take some time and care to learn how to deal with them. Try not to covet a negative opinion of skeptics. If you accept that many customers and clients are going to come at things from a … Continue reading

Skeptics and Critics: Debating

Most Christians I know choose not to engage in debates finding it pointless and a waste of their energy. While I completely understand, so often when it appears a person is debating, they are actually trying to seek answers and testing what they may believe as truth against what others believe. Though an unbeliever who wants to debate may truly intend to frustrate and stump you for their own personal satisfaction, so often there is a part of them that is seeking more than they care to admit. For this reason, it is so important to follow what the Bible … Continue reading

Skeptics and Critics: The Challenge

Likely you’ll find those who are skeptical of the Christian faith are going to be the ones to challenge you in your beliefs. Not only might they ask tough questions you might not have answers to, but your very walk might be put under a magnifying glass. We as Christians really don’t have all the answers. It would be great if we did. It is difficult for so many to understand what it is to live by faith. It’s really important we as Christians be grounded enough so we know why we believe as we do so we don’t allow … Continue reading