Getting Enough Sleep Should Be a Priority

Meeting the needs of children with medical problems or behavioral disorders can be exhausting. A child who must be checked and re-checked throughout the night, or one with sleep disturbances or night terrors can leave parents frustrated and overwhelmed. And if we’re not careful, we can become accustomed to getting very little rest and almost forget what a real night of recuperative sleep feels like. When we’re sleep-deprived, we’re more likely to feel like we’re incapable of handling everything we have to accomplish in a day. Problems seem so much bigger. We’re irritable without knowing exactly why. Sometimes sleep-deprivation makes … Continue reading

Children Lead the Way to Marriage Strife

If you’re just married and you’re planning a wonderful life together, here are few tips about what to expect when you have your first child together. The birth of a child is a wondrous thing and it will have a profound effect on you and your spouse. But the stresses and changes that occur due to the birth of a child can often lead to the first major blow up in the marriage. Why? So why does the birth of a child (this fantastic, wondrous event) because so much stress on a couple? In large part, it’s because Mom now … Continue reading

Sleep & Your Success

It’s important to understand that sleep is an important ingredient. Periodically I like to talk about sleep here in the Fitness blog because too often as adults, overwhelmingly busy – we forget how important sleep is. But the truth is, sleep is as vital to your health as exercise and eating right. Studies Suggest Sleep Helps You to Lose Weight According to Michael Breus a Ph.D. and clinical psychologist, sleep or the lack thereof can be holding you back from losing the weight you want to lose. In his book, Good Night: The Sleep Doctor’s 4-Week Program to Better Sleep … Continue reading

Baby on Board – Why?

Have you ever looked at the baby on board signs and wondered about them? I know that at several points in my life, I have – all of these were before I became a parent myself. But let’s take a step back for a moment and look back on those days before I was a parent – when the ‘on board’ sign became the noveau thing to do – everyone was getting in on the act. From the baby on board to the mommy to be on board to the dog on board – the signs didn’t quit. I used … Continue reading

Nightweaning: Ways to Get More Rest

Frequent nursing is definitely a sign of the high need baby. If you are one of those parents who thinks that you have it all figured out and “know” how to put kids to bed–I would politely suggest to you that you do not, nor have ever had, a high need baby. Babies who are high need during the day, who need to be near you, and who need to nurse all day long. . .are also high need babies at night. If you can sleep through the nursing, and are comfortable with your co-sleeping arrangement, then it is fine … Continue reading

Multiples in the Night

Like most aspects of parenting multiples, night time parenting more than one can be an exercise in futility when you’re trying to get some much needed sleep. Furthermore, multiples are frequently born pre-term and may need a significant amount of care around the clock. Here are a few strategies that we’ve used to survive the first twelve months of our twins’ lives and cope with the sleep deprivation: Scheduling If you’re bottle feeding, scheduling is a lot easier to do. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s a little trickier but it is worth the effort. You will be up a lot less … Continue reading

Embracing Sleep Deprivation

My husband and I still laugh at the things we did when our first daughter was born; all in the name of sleep deprivation. I woke up one morning to find my husband’s razor and after-shave in the refrigerator while his lunch was sitting on the bathroom sink! Likewise, I did things like put meat out to thaw, then put something in the crock pot–only to tell my husband that I couldn’t find any meat in the freezer so it must be that we need to go shopping! There is no other way to say it: we were loopy! Like … Continue reading

Sleep Deprivation: Six on Sunday

Sleep deprivation is inevitable for parents. Let’s be realistic, while it may seem that sleep deprivation is the province of new moms, sleep deprivation chases you throughout baby hood into toddler hood and further still. So since we’re pretty sure that sleep deprivation is going to be inevitable, let’s take our Six on Sunday and establish why it’s a positive thing that sleep deprivation happens. Yes, I am serious. We can make anything into a positive, it’s just a matter of how you look at it. Perspective is important for everything we do – whether it’s our work ethic, toughing … Continue reading


One of the primary components of a good fitness program is sleeping. That tends to surprise people who are constantly trading in minutes of sleep to accomplish other tasks. We get up early to have some quiet time before the kids are up. We stay up later to finish work. We wake up in the middle of the night because the kids are feeling bad or need something. We are a sleep-deprived nation. We’re not alone in suffering from that sleep-deprivation; it’s affecting not only us, but also our children. For example, my daughter started having trouble at her preschool … Continue reading