5 Fitness Tips

A fit lifestyle encompasses so much more than just eating right and exercising. You can be doing those two things but if you fail to meet any of the following 5 fitness tips, it could be slowing down your progress or even defeating what you are doing. While we don’t think much about the need for sleep when it comes to fitness, it really is a vital part of your fitness plan. So my first tip is to get enough sleep. Now of course we have all heard that we should get an average of 8 hours of sleep. However … Continue reading

Video Interview with a Sleep Doctor and Mom

Recently I was invited to ask a women’s health expert, Dr. Donnica, some questions about sleep habits. She put together a terrific video that I hope you will watch. What I appreciated about this opportunity was the ability to ask questions specific to moms of teenagers. When our children are very young, there is a lot of focus on how moms lose sleep. But it doesn’t always get better when our children become teens. In addition, teens have their own sleep issues that can interfere with their daily lives so I thought this was a great way to get some … Continue reading

The Importance of Sleep and Rest

As I am writing this, I am basking in the fact that last night I got almost 8 hours of sleep. This is a big deal for me because it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes it’s because of my own foolishness in staying up later than I should and other times it’s just a matter of dealing with menopausal symptoms. So what does any of this have to do with fitness? Believe it or not, sleep is a vital component to a fit lifestyle. A lack of sleep can mess with your mind, your physical motivation and even you’re eating habits. … Continue reading

Sex or Sleep?

Hey moms, which would you choose as the perfect Valentine’s Day gift: a romantic night of unbridled passion with your sweetie or 10 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep? If you selected the latter, you aren’t alone. Far from it. In fact, a new survey found that nearly 70% of moms would rather sleep than have sex. The phrase “We ain’t getting any,” has new meaning for today’s moms. It refers to sleep. I know I’m not getting enough, are you? According to the survey’s host, Hybrid Mom, a female head of household doesn’t sleep—-EVER! Granted, the poll was unscientific, but … Continue reading

How Much Sleep Do Teens Need?

As my children get older I notice they like to sleep in more. My daughter has always been an early riser. She would set her alarm two hours earlier than she really needs to. She had this specific routine that she went through every morning. Well the past two weeks I have been noticing a change. It started off with turning on the snooze button and lying in bed for just a few minutes. Then it turned into setting the alarm an hour earlier instead of two hours. My once prompt, always on time and organized little girl has turned … Continue reading

Two Lazy Boys

My son is addicted to his mother. He rarely leaves her side and refuses to go to sleep without her. Nursing is his favorite past time and that ensures that his favorite past time doesn’t involve me. I’m okay with this. It’s simply a fact of life. It’s okay. I’m actually quite proud that he loves his mother so much. I’m hoping it continues throughout his life (as I’m writing this he’s happily crawling to Mom with a big grin on his little face). Soon he’ll be walking to her with a big grin. Just because I love that my … Continue reading

Sleep and Habit Forming

This last week I’ve been setting my alarm clock a little earlier than normal. My attempt was to be up by five in the morning each weekday in order to work on the various writing projects I need to work on over the summer (in addition to the reading). I’ve been thwarted, however, by exhaustion. My wife and our son have been sick during the past weeks and apparently it was Dad’s turn. So my nose runs, I have a cough, there are headaches and droopy eyes. I don’t know why I intended to get up at five in the … Continue reading

Are Sleep Aids Safe?

Do you rely on sleep aids to help you sleep? You might be wondering if sleep aids are safe. I will readily admit that I depend on them on a weekly basis. Most of the time I feel sleep-deprived, some of that is brought on by me and some of that is due to my body going through changes. Getting up early everyday and not getting adequate sleep at night can make for challenging days so I do look forward to Friday night when I can take a sleep aid and get a solid night of sleep. This also allows … Continue reading

I Should Know Better By Now

I’ve been getting into the bad habit of staying up hours after my daughter is in bed. I used to go to bed at the same time as her, because she slept with us. Then she got pretty good at going to sleep on her own, so I’d wait an hour or so after she fell asleep to go to bed. These days, I spend a good 3 hours being awake after she’s down for the night. It’s been taking its toll on me, physically and mentally. If you don’t believe me, ask my husband. I’m not sure which looks … Continue reading

Do Babies Remember?

My oldest memory is of the time I was playing in my garage and found an old ketchup packet. I tried to tear it open with my teeth, but the ketchup ended up squirting in my mouth. Not only did I get sick, but I also did not eat ketchup for the next sixteen years. I was four years old at the time. I am 34 now; a 30-year-old memory is pretty good in my opinion. But this post isn’t about me. It’s about my daughter, Lily. She is sixteen months old, and what I want to know is: Can … Continue reading