Having Trouble Sleeping? (4)

In this the concluding article in the present series on getting a better night’s sleep, we look at the issues of using alcohol as a sleep inducer and the importance of daily exercise in getting a good night’s sleep. But you can’t just exercise at any time, so read on! 6. Give the nightcap a miss Although alcohol is a well known muscle relaxant and it does make you more relaxed, it sounds like an excellent sleeping aid, right? Wrong! Alcohol is often used to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day but unfortunately taking alcohol before … Continue reading

Having Trouble Sleeping? (3)

So far we have addressed poor sleeping habits such as not waking at the same time each day, using the bedroom for activities other than sleeping, the trouble with lights in the bedroom, and the emotional effects of a messy bedroom. You can find the links to the first two articles in this series below. Today we look at the issues of anxiety and stress in sleep disorders. 5. Worry and anxiety and their effect on sleep We all intuitively know that anxiety and worry are professional sleep killers. Yet we can’t always avoid worry and anxiety in our lives, … Continue reading

New Year’s Mental Health Resolutions

Whether you suffer from a pre-existing mental health condition or just plain-old garden variety stress, why not try a different type of New Year’s resolution this year? The resolution to improve your mental health. There isn’t anyone who couldn’t benefit from taking steps to improve their mental health, just as we could all benefit from a fitness regime makeover from time to time. So what types of activities should we include on our Mental Health New Year’s Resolution? Number One would have to be a commitment to better sleep habits. Poor sleep underlines and exacerbates many health problems, both physical … Continue reading

Having Trouble Sleeping? (2)

In our previous blog on better sleeping habits (see link below), we looked at the importance of getting up at the same time each day, including weekends, and the detrimental effects of electronic appliances such as televisions in the bedroom. Today we’ll look at more tips for getting the health and beauty sleep that you need. 3. Declutter your bedroom Is your bed a rumpled mess with sheets half pulled off and blankets tossed onto the floor? Does the rest of your bedroom look like a hurricane’s been through it? Be honest, would you have trouble knowing whether a burglar … Continue reading