Have a Great Slogan? Put it On Everything!

It is not enough to simply come up with a catchy or creative slogan to fit your home based business. Once you have gone to the trouble and care to invent something fantastic, you have to make sure you make the best use of it. It really needs to go on everything… The purpose of a business slogan is really marketing and branding. Think of some of the great slogans you remember from popular culture or commercials: “We do it your way” or “Squeezably soft” or “Where’s the beef?” Some of these catch phrases were intentional slogans and others might … Continue reading

Do You Need a Business Slogan?

Between all the talk of logos and branding and slogans when it comes to business marketing, you might find yourself confused. And, you may wonder what this all has to do with your little home business and whether or not it is worth your while to try to keep up with all of this marketing jargon. If you’ve ever wondered what a “slogan” actually is, then you might have let yourself wonder whether you need one for your home-based business… A slogan is like a tag line or a brief promotional statement that represents your business. A slogan might be … Continue reading