Even More Really Quick Health Boosters

One more round of quick things you can do to improve your overall health. Whether you’re looking to reduce your risk of serious disease, get in shape, or just feel better, these quick health boosters can help! Build muscle strength in sixty seconds by stretching. Stretching improves flexibility, but it also can increase strength. You’ll enjoy a larger range of motion AND more muscle power. Neutralize harmful free radicals in sixty seconds by eating dried figs. Free radicals are the molecules to blame for some kinds of cancer, signs of aging, and other health issues. Just 1.5 ounce of dried … Continue reading

More Really Quick Health Boosters

Here are some more quick things you can do that will have a HUGE impact on your health. Cut your risk of serious disease, slow aging, get fit, and feel better all around with these really quick health boosters. Fight cancer in sixty seconds by eating your apple peel. Chemicals in apple peels inhibited the growth of breast cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer cells in a study done from Cornell University. Fight aging in sixty seconds by taking a sniff of rosemary. Breathing in the scent for just a few minutes can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol … Continue reading

Really Quick Health Boosters

Would you choose a healthier lifestyle if it only took you a minute (or less) to make a change? Here are some really quick things you can do to fight aging, ward off disease, boost your immune system, and more! Fight cancer in sixty seconds by taking the right supplements every day. Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D — studies show that these two supplements can make a big difference in your cancer risk. Vitamin D boosts your body’s immune response; a supplement will ensure that you get enough. The other way to get vitamin D is … Continue reading