Snack Habits in My Pack

It seems that there are two types of dog: the dog who will eat anything in front of him, whenever it is available (like my dog Moose) and the dog who only eats when she’s hungry (like my dog Lally). When it comes to snacks, Moose and Lally are also very different. Moose will try anything once. Twice. Seventeen times. Lally is a much pickier eater. She only likes certain things and will disdain anything that isn’t on her list. Her likes include chicken jerky, chicken or beef flavored chewy treats, and the occasional rawhide (but only when she’s in … Continue reading

Don’t Say “Don’t Snack”!

We’ve all heard it. “Don’t snack or you’ll ruin your dinner!” I have to say that I think that one goes right up there on the lame things to say list along with “Make sure you eat everything on your plate”. If you grew up in a family like mine, you heard these two things quite a bit. Then again, if you grew up in a family like mine, you probably could stand to lose some weight. America’s youth is getting fatter and fatter and it needs to stop. Let’s stop saying these things to our kids! No, I’m not … Continue reading

Downsize Unhealthy Eating Habits

You can sneak hundreds of unhealthy things out of your diet and not even notice the absence! Are you ready to give unhealthy eating the pink slip? Try these sneaky tips to downsize your diet. Eat the actual fruit instead of the juice. You’ll get lots of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber — the fiber will help you feel fuller longer. Snack on healthy fiber cereal instead of cookies or chips. Add fruit for extra sweetness and you’ll save a bunch of calories and cut a ton of sugar. Slow down! If you take your time with your meals, you’ll eat … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Snack All Day?

When my daughter was younger, my husband worked very long hours and since I was a stay at home mom, going to school part time and spending the majority of my time with her – I used to let her eat on demand. I did this when she was nursing, drinking bottles and finally when she was on solids. I received a lot of well-meaning advice from people that said I needed to set her on a rigid feeding schedule – but the one thing I knew about my daughter is that I could schedule our days pretty well – … Continue reading

Slim Fast – Fact or Myth?

I was a huge fan of Slim Fast shakes when I was younger. I didn’t drink them because they were good for me. I didn’t drink them because they were part of a diet plan. I drank them because I liked the way they tasted. When I was older and decided that I needed to diet to trim the weight I’d put on after the baby, I remembered my great affection for Slim Fast and went gung ho for the diet plan. I drove to a Sam’s and picked up two cases of Slim Fast Shake Cans. Anything to make … Continue reading