USDA and SSA Collaborate To Improve Nutrition Security Through SNAP

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced a strengthened partnership to help comment Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. USDA and SSA’s new joint agreement, or memorandum of understanding, will improve efficiency, helping to advance food and nutrition security and reduce the hurdles families face to obtain the government assistance they need. SSA continues its commitment to help people access SNAP benefits in two critical ways. SSA employees notify SSI applicants and recipients of their eligibility for SNAP. And, when everyone in a household is … Continue reading

Learning Pal

Help your little one make a learning pal from felt or fun textured fabric such as faux fur. Cut out the shape of a bear, kitten, puppy, or any animal your child likes. You can find simple pictures in preschool age coloring books or coloring pages on line. Cut one out and trace it onto the back of the fabric. Glue on eyes made from felt or some large googly eyes. Make a smile from red yarn, felt, or a pipe cleaner. Make simple clothing (you only need the front) to dress the new pal. Make a long coat from … Continue reading