The Sneaky Mama’s Kebabs

Kebabs, generally consist of meat placed on a skewer and are grilled or roasted. The Sneaky Mama loves Kebabs when it comes to summer foods because: a) they’re already bite sized b) eating food off a stick is a novelty c) they’re easily customizable. You can use the same type of meat and make different dipping sauces or you can easily have a ‘kebab’ bar and let each child fill their own stick with meat and vegetables. This of course translates into happy eaters who are eating exactly what they want (while at the same time eating exactly what you … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama and Her Oatmeal

The Sneaky Mama is back with another delicious and healthful way to feed your picky eaters! For those of you who are new or don’t remember, the sneaky mama (yes, it’s really me–but don’t tell anyone!) is a pro at getting good healthy food into her extremely picky daughter and her other not so picky kids. Why Oatmeal? Oatmeal is just one of those miracle foods. It is a whole grain, and is high in water soluble fiber. The reason I love oatmeal is that it is a win/win breakfast for our family: it’s good for my husband and I, … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama’s Whole Grain Pancakes

To those of you who were looking for the Sneaky Mama and her recipes, she had to take a little break! But she’s back with some great new recipes to try with your picky eaters. If you’re wondering who on earth the Sneaky Mama is–that would be me. As we were discussing our little munchkins who would only eat yellow foods, or wouldn’t eat fruits and vegetables, I mentioned that I had some very sneaky ways to get my seriously picky eater to eat healthy foods. For a recap, you might want to look up some of my other Sneaky … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama’s Recipes: Yogurt Based “Salads”

In my first blog of this series, I talked about children who were seriously picky. They gag, they sputter, they vomit even–at the mere mention of a vegetable or fruit! Or anything else that is not the incredibly short “acceptable foods” list. So now, we’re working on broadening the repertoire with a few ways that “sneak” in fruits and veggies. Today, we’re going to talk about upping the likeability factor by adding fruits and veggies to yogurt. I will admit, that this is one area where I lied to my children. I told my oldest daughter that yogurt was really … Continue reading