Intro to Starting a Lawn Business

If you own your home, you probably own a lawnmower. If so, put it to work making extra income. You may have to start out small, doing the work yourself with your home lawnmower. You’ll probably begin with neighbors, friends, and family members, until you can make a little money to expand a bit. After time, as your business grows, you may be able to hire some help and purchase some more efficient equipment. It does take time, and the initial profits should be invested in your lawn business. You’ll need to advertise, because there is competition in this field. … Continue reading

Insurance Ideas

According to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine statistics, health care expenditures are almost 50% greater for employees and workers who reported higher levels of stress. These employees alo had a higher level of absenteeism, low productivity and low morale. Wouldn’t it be great if insurance companies would pay people to be more fit? Pay them to lose weight? The overall cost of these two incentive type programs would likely be significantly less than the cost of treating their health issues and the cost of lost business through lower productivity and absenteeism. Many businesses recognize that fitter employees are … Continue reading

Household Inventory–At Least Make A List.

You come home one Saturday after a long drive and picnic with your family to discover someone has broken into your home while you were away. Your first call is to the police, and while you wait to file a report you start looking around and notice a few things here or there are missing. You have clearly been burglarized and now realize why you have been paying for insurance all these years. By the time the police leave you have made an official statement about the few things you notice are missing. It is clear the jewelry box was … Continue reading

AM Best The Insurance Information Source.

With most major purchases, consumers consider the reputation of the company they choose to do business. Buyer beware is one thing but, understanding the financial stability of your insurance company may be a completely different story. The average consumer wouldn’t have the first clue about what to look for, or why it matters when investigating the stability of an insurance company. Insurance agents are aware of the largest and longest-established company in business to provide in-depth reports and financial-strength ratings about insurance companies and organizations. The publication and database, “Best’s Insurance Reports,” publishes the largest coverage of insurers and reinsurers … Continue reading

Your Home: Severe Weather Checkup

As we head into severe weather season, it is a good idea to give your home a quick checkup before dangerous weather strikes. House and Property Checkup How secure is your home against storms? Are your deck and porch anchored securely? What about flooding issues? Will your windows and doors withstand high winds or the impact of debris? Have trees and large bushes been trimmed to avoid contact with the house and garage? You also need to make sure any loose, dead, or overgrown branches have been removed so they don’t fall onto your house or car, break windows, or … Continue reading

Auto Insurance Policies 101: Liability Coverage

Auto Liability Insurance – Protects you and your assets if you cause an injury to others or damage the property of others with your vehicle. The standard insurance policy usually describes the amount of liability coverage you have as a series of three numbers, called split limits. Typically, these are the first series of numbers listed on an auto insurance policy and the most common coverage is offered as split limits. The standard auto insurance contract with split limit coverage may read: Coverage A Personal Liability 50,000/100,000/20,000 Bodily injury liability is the first two numbers. $50,000/$100,000 in this coverage example. … Continue reading

When To Drop Your Child From Your Auto Insurance.

You might be thinking how wonderful it’s going to be when your teenage driver goes off to college and you can stop paying a high premium for auto liability insurance. After all, a child away at college who can’t drive your car shouldn’t need to be included on your coverage any more–Right? Think again! One of the most common requests I had while I was an active insurance agent was to delete the young driver’s off their parent’s auto insurance policy. Every time a new college term stated I dreaded the calls from the anxious parents. As nice as it … Continue reading

Your Credit Score and How It Relates To Insurance (4)

When shopping for Auto or Home Insurance you will want to know if an Insurance company will be using a credit score to determine if they will offer you insurance or offer you insurance at a higher premium based on your credit score. When getting insurance quotes it is very important to have all the vital information to provide the agent or company in order to receive an accurate quote. Insurance customers should always feel free to ask questions about the companies an agent represents. In the area of insurance credit scoring these are some of the questions I ask: … Continue reading

Buying Your First Home Part 1

You are so ready. You have some money saved. You have great credit. You just went to the bank and they preapproved you for an obscene amount of money. You went to or local real estate websites and looked at houses and thought…. Can I really afford that? If you did all the above, you are ahead of many homebuyers, and actually you are in pretty good shape. Buying your first home is one of the most important investments you will ever make. It involves more care than pointing and clicking on a website, or strolling into an open … Continue reading

Special Education and Children with Chronic Health Problems

Children with an acute or chronic illness have a tough road. Not only must they deal with the typical challenges of growing up, including school work, peer relationships, family stress, etc., but they must simultaneously cope with the symptoms of their disease. Conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, and even ADD/ADHD (Attention-Deficit Disorder/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) fall under the classification of “other health impairment,” which is one of the thirteen recognized areas of disability. This is according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). (See my previous blog entry: “What Qualifies as a Disability?”) … Continue reading