Week in Review – Fun

Are you having a fun summer? Don’t miss any of the latest ideas for family fun. What can you do with all the artwork your children make? Consider installing a Family Art Gallery. Remember Soap Carving? Here’s some ideas for doing this project with your own children. And do you remember Gum Wrapper Chains? Not all crafts turn out well. Read about Lauri’s experiences with making superballs. Use the sense of touch to figure out what objects are hidden inside a hat or box. Read how at Make a Guess by Touch Game. And if you are looking for a … Continue reading

Soap Carving

Soap carving is one of the classic summer camp and Scout crafts. We tried soap carving today, and it’s much harder than I remember. Ivory soap is the soap of choice; it’s soft and not too expensive, especially when you buy a large pack. We used orange sticks (the kind to push back cuticles) to etch in our designs, and to make marks on our finished work. For carving we used clay tools and knives. For older children this can be a great first instruction on how to handle and use paring knives or pocketknives, with correct instruction and supervision … Continue reading