Wives Who Work From Home – Soccer Mom Syndrome

We’ve been talking about wives who work from home and what would a series on working from home be without talking about the soccer mom syndrome. What is the soccer mom syndrome? It’s a personal phrase that I have coined (though someone else out there may give it another name) that refers to the wife who tries to do it all – to the point that she exhausts herself. The Soccer Mom Syndrome Who is the soccer mom? She’s that mom who’s always on the go. She provides transport to her kids, the neighbor’s kids and more to go to … Continue reading

Getting Paid to Drive

No, I’m not talking about becoming a long-distance truck driver. Instead, there is a new form of advertising out there that you may have already seen out on the streets: Ads plastered on cars. I’m not talking about a business owner putting their logo on their company vehicle, but instead where large companies pay the average American (soccer Mom, commuter Dad, and everyone inbetween) to place the companies’ ads on vans, cars, SUVs, trucks, and any other vehicle you could think of. The ads range from a small ad placed on the side or back of the vehicle, to full-body … Continue reading