Your Friends May Change as Your Kids Grow Up

It is a lovely fantasy to imagine our children growing up with the same friends while we, as the parents, stay friends with those children’s parents. In reality, however, our children may go through different stages and phases and choose different peers and friends to share their journey and we parents change too. There may be some people with whom we trundle along the entire parenting path together, but for most of us, our friends will probably change as our children grow up and our overall lives change. Keep in mind that while your children are busy growing and developing, … Continue reading

Consider Where Your Influences Are Coming From

As parents, we many of us pay plenty of attention to who is influencing our children and where the influences are coming from that affect our kids—but do we ever take the time to consider our OWN influences? Are they healthy, encouraging, and supportive of our single parent status and our development as a human being? When was the last time you took a good, hard look at what and who was influencing you and decided if it was healthy for your single parent lifestyle? As an example, I realized several months ago that while a few of my friends … Continue reading

Where Does “Social Life” Rank In Your Priorities?

I admit that as a single parent, sometimes having a social life really slips down on my rank of priorities and things I have energy to put into—not always. There are other times when getting out of the house, being with friends, and even dating can feel like just what I need. But, at the end of a really long day—working the multiple jobs, taking care of house and kids and activities and errands—I don’t always feel like I have much to offer in the social department and I know I don’t have the energy to listen to one more … Continue reading