Do you worry about what other people think?

Do you find yourself changing your behaviors based on what other people might think? Do you rush off to put make-up on just because someone has phoned to say they’re coming over? Do you decide to get the “good” cups out for an unexpected visitor or do you just use the regular ones in the cupboard? Did you choose your profession because of family expectations? Did you marry the wrong guy because, on paper, he was “more pleasing” to the people that mattered? While it is normal human behavior to adapt our behaviors to certain situations, sometimes we can become … Continue reading

Obsessed by your looks?

Most people are conscious of the way they look. Both the fashion and cosmetic industry is built around people’s image of themselves. The majority of people make an attempt to look as good as they can. It helps them to feel good about themselves. But what happens when this need to look good takes on a life of its own? What happens when we will stop at nothing to change the way we look? Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a condition that probably originated on the same day that mirrors were invented. There probably aren’t too many people who haven’t … Continue reading

Social Phobia – Treatment

Earlier we looked at the problem of social phobia from the viewpoint of a fictitious character named Jeff. Let’s now look at some methods Jeff can use to make life a little bit more bearable. Not too many years ago, the prescribed treatment was to throw social phobics “in at the deep end” by advising them to join a speech-training organization like Toastmasters. This probably provided help for some sufferers, gradually allowing them to build enough confidence to cope better in their day-to-day lives. But for others, such a step was just too great, with each Toastmasters meeting becoming an … Continue reading

Are You a Social Phobic?

Social phobics account for over 13% of the population, so the debilitating anxiety that people suffering from social phobia experience is not an uncommon phenomenon. But how do you know if you really do have the condition? The following is a list of criteria required for a diagnosis of social phobia. 1. A strong and persistent fear in social situations of being exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible judgment by others. The individual feels that they will act in such a way as to bringing ridicule on themselves and be humiliated or embarrassed. In children, this behavior must be … Continue reading

Social Phobia – A Case Study

Jeff is a quiet sort of a guy. He is reasonably well-liked, mainly because he doesn’t step on anyone’s toes and is always willing to go along with other people’s suggestions. His acquaintances sometimes laugh about how shy he is, and how odd it is that a grown man can blush for no apparent reason. “What color’s red, Jeff?”is always guaranteed to get a few laughs. For everyone except Jeff, of course. He’s also popular with the boss at work, as he gets on with the job without too much fuss and doesn’t waste time standing around telling jokes and … Continue reading