The Joy of Giving Homemade Gifts

I make a lot of homemade gifts for my friends and family, and I encourage my children to do the same. There is always value in the process of creating and giving something on which you have spent a lot of thought and time, but sometimes the rewards are even greater. I made everyone in my sister’s family personalized sock monkeys for Christmas this year. (See the Sock Monkey Family blog) I knew they would all like the monkeys, but I wasn’t sure my 11-year-old nephew would be overly thrilled in the long run with a homemade stuffed monkey. I … Continue reading

Sock Monkey Family

Personalize homemade or store-bought sock monkeys for goofy gift-giving! I decided to make homemade Christmas presents for my sister and her family this year, because they appreciate that sort of thing (not everyone does!). After much debate, I came up with making everyone their own, personalized sock monkey. I’d always wanted to make a sock monkey, but thought they’d be difficult and time consuming. Guess what? Not so! Even with my limited sewing skills, and the sketchy directions, they were pretty easy. Each one did take about two hours,but I did most of the work while watching Christmas specials on … Continue reading