Is Your Sofa Safe?

I often worry about the chemicals I use in my house.  I worry about what exactly is in the air freshener I use.  I freak out when my husband buys a Teflon skillet. But, I just read that another real threat in my house may be my sofa. My sofa?  A threat?  Yes. Since 1975, California has required that all furniture with foam such as sofas and baby products such as car seats be treated with flame retardant chemicals.  That standard, maybe because California is so large a state, became the standard for most other states. The problem is while … Continue reading

The Living Room: A Contradiction In Terms

I once had a neighbor whose living room was a study in cellophane; a parody of luxury as nothing was ever enjoyed, walked upon or even touched. I was a child at the time and while visiting her children, I, as well everyone else, knew never to even touch the door to the living room much less enter. I often wondered if there was treasure buried there or something like that. She once told me that the slipcovers on the Victorian sofa would only come off for a visit from either the Pope or the President of the United States … Continue reading

Spruce Up the Sofa: For Company Mostly

An interior designer named Marie Kinnaman once said: “A well-worn sofa is wonderful. It means that people have been having a good time.” Well, maybe so, but when company is coming you don’t want your living room sofa to look like something the Salvation Army forgot to pick up the last time their trucks paid a visit to your neighborhood. Learn the art of gift-wrap and camouflage. Those that make the jungle their home have known of this art form for centuries even though they don’t sit on sofas. You would think they would have had the courtesy to pass … Continue reading

How to Choose Furniture

When shopping for furniture, try some of these tips to help you choose pieces that are comfortable and a good value. Sofas and Loveseats Place both hands on the back of the sofa or loveseat and squeeze. You shouldn’t be able to feel the frame through the padding. With both hands placed firmly on the back, try to give the piece a good shake. If you feel much movement, move on to another piece. Sit on sofas or loveseats to make sure the cushions are firm. Also, measure the sofa for length and height but don’t forget to measure for … Continue reading