Spilling Crackers

My wife and I have been trying to use some sign language with our son to increase our communication before he becomes reasonably vocal. He learned the sign for “milk” very very early and he’s been progressing ever since. At each milestone we’ve introduced more words: “More,” “Bath,” and most recently “Cracker.” Today we wondered how to sign “Crackers” in the plural because me son certainly found a way to get a lot of them at once. My wife lovingly found little crackers from an organic company and has been kept sane by ensuring her son is getting the very … Continue reading

His Own Plate

This week my wife and I bought a “high chair” for our son. Yes, maybe we should have gotten one sooner. No, we’re not bad parents. Actually, a lot of thinking went into the rationale for the purchase. One of the things we really didn’t want to do was separate him from us. Only recently has he received his own glass for water. Before he’d share with his Mom and Dad. Our son has been slowly learning that he has a certain amount of control over things. He can now readily grab small crackers between his fingers. Before this week … Continue reading


Our son has been trying to eat solids for a number of months now. His initial interest in food only extended to his fingertips. Once he figured out the whole “hand to mouth” thing he really became interested in food. What started out with a protruding lower lip and a confused look (avocado) has since turned into a monster who rapidly crawls towards any plate or utensil he sees. He carelessly abandons toys to one side or the other and monstrously crushes all others in his path. He moves as the monster truck: directly on top of his barriers. His … Continue reading

Help! My Baby Hates Solid Foods!

I have written before about how we got into breastfeeding forever and ever and ever. Our oldest daughter didn’t take solids. It’s not that she spit them out and it dribbled down her chins. (She was after all, a very, very chubby baby!) That is what most babies do. They make faces, unsure of what to do with the taste or texture. The food kind of unceremoniously falls out of the mouth and onto whatever baby is wearing. Not Lizzy. Texture (or taste, or smell, or the way it looks) made her gag and generally what comes after gagging is … Continue reading

When Is He Ready for a Sippy Cup?

Note: Someone recently PM’d me to ask why I almost always refer to infants as males. The reader wants to know if I am aware that babies come in both genders. I am certainly aware that babies come in two wonderful genders. However, mommies do not! Since moms are always female I always refer to babies as males to avoid confusion while writing. In parenting, many paths lead to the right end. There is no right answer to when you should give your child a sippy cup or if you even have to. One good indication of readiness is when … Continue reading

Solid Foods: Making Your Own Baby Food

We talked about making your own rice cereal yesterday and Valorie brought up the key point that it’s a lot cheaper to make your own than it is to buy the store bought baby food. She’s right, nine times out of ten, doing it yourself can cost you a lot less in pennies on the dollar, but it’s also important to keep in mind that making your own baby food can be time-consuming. So let’s take a moment and talk about why you should make your own baby food. Why should you make your own baby food? Home made baby … Continue reading

Solid Foods: Making Your Own Rice Cereal

When it comes to feeding your baby solid food, rice is one of the most easily digested and very few people are allergic to it. That’s why it’s considered one of the best solid foods to get your infant started on. The great thing about the following rice cereal recipe is you can make up a large batch and keep it stored for up to 2 months. All you need is: A Blender A Freezer & Ice Cube Tray Freezer Bags 3 Cups of Brown Rice 12 Ounces of Formula, Breast Milk or Water How to Make Your Own Rice … Continue reading