Things Just Got A Lot Messier

My baby has decided that feeding time is all about control. Oh how I love/hate this stage. Parenting a baby that is transitioning into toddlerhood is fun, exciting, and takes a lot of patience. For example, I recently had noticed that my little guy had started to refuse some of the foods he normally loves. He would turn his head away from the first bite, or arch his back and shake his head no. I couldn’t figure out what was causing the problem until one day when I handed him the spoon. He was thrilled. Since then, he has desired … Continue reading

Should I Give My Baby Solids?

Our daughter is approaching the age when solid foods can be introduced. She’s 5 1/2 months old and is exclusively breastfed. I’m going back and forth on when we’re going to start giving her solids. She’s gaining weight fine on breast milk alone (hello, I think weighing 17 pounds at 4 1/2 months probably means she’s getting enough!), and I hesitate to mess with something that is going so well. I know there are people who believe that breast milk alone isn’t enough for a baby once they reach six months of age, but I’ve witnessed cases where babies consumed … Continue reading

The Real Mom’s Guide to Feeding Your Baby Solids: The Quirks

Forget all of the information about feeding your baby. Here is what you need to know, although no one ever seems to get around to telling you. I’m sure that when it comes to first feeding your baby solid foods, you have already read most of the literature out there that tells you when to start, what to feed, etc. Well, I am here with the voice of experience, and three kids, to tell you what those other sources won’t tell you–all of the important stuff that makes feeding solids just a little easier. Know Your Baby’s Quirks Once you … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Tips on Making Baby Food

Good morning readers! I am introducing a few new categories here in the baby blog. The first, is ‘Ask a Baby Blogger’. We bloggers love questions, especially ones that gives us blog fodder! So if you have a question, feel free to comment or leave either Heather or I a private message and we’ll try to answer as best as we can! Our first ‘Ask a Baby Blogger’ question has to do with making baby food. I am trying to make my infant’s baby food. I used the blender method but it came out all goopy. What did I do … Continue reading

Help! What Do I Feed My Baby? -The What ,When, and How Much of Solids

Solids. This can be a scary word for a first-time parent. When do you start them? How much do you feed? What should you give your baby first? These questions plague new parents, who want desperately to make sure their precious baby is eating the right foods and enough of them. Your baby’s doctor or pediatrician will likely provide you with information regarding feeding your baby solids. Typically, a baby begins eating solid foods between four and six months of age. Prior to this time, breast milk or formulas is the sole source of nutrition for babies. A juice cup … Continue reading

Solid Foods – The When

On Friday, we talked about the transition to solid foods. The when is individual to every baby. A good rule of thumb, as mentioned before, is when the baby starts becoming interested in the food on your plate. Some babies will do it as early as 4 months. Some may not express interest until six or seven months. There are cases to be made for starting a baby on solid foods as early as 3 months. The baby not maintaining weight gain or not gaining it at the desired rate usually justifies those cases. Adding solids does not mean a … Continue reading