Parents–Try Something New for a Change in Perspective

Recently, my kids did a group intervention–according to them I have been in a purchasing rut–my grocery shopping and purchasing of items and supplies for our home has becomes so routinized and predictable that they felt they needed to encourage me to shake things up a little bit… They really do have a point–as a busy, stretched, single parent, I’ve found that familiarity is my friend. I do buy the same groceries–a lot of basics and staples–and forgo the extras. I am not the slightest bit trendy in my purchasing of shampoo or other necessities. I am also not likely … Continue reading

Wedding Traditions, Symbolism & Superstition

Weddings are fun. Or they should be. We’ve talked about wedding superstitions before, but did you know that many parts of the actual ceremony and the set up are directly related to historical ideals and superstitions? For example, did you know: Traditionally, a groom would kidnap his bride and hold her with his left arm? This would keep his right arm and sword arm free to battle other suitors. Today, modern brides walk down the aisle to join their groom, but they still stand on the groom’s left Marriages and weddings were a diplomatic means of ending strife between two … Continue reading

Planning a Wedding? Make Your Own Luck

Our greater population and the habits of the American people encourage frequent migration. Many of us do not live in the same city where we were born. So it’s far more likely that the bride and groom come from far different neighborhoods, cities and even states. Chances are their parents didn’t meet for the first time until after they became engaged. Of course, there are exceptions to everything and I know plenty of couples who’ve known each other since childhood and my husband and I grew up in the same area – but it’s so urban that while we knew … Continue reading