My Son’s Father

Since my son was born he has only seen his dad one time. We ran into him at a local event when my son was just over a year old. Tonight, we ran into him again. My son’s father held him for the first time. I’m not sure how I feel about everything that just took place. It would be fine with me if my son’s father wanted to be involved in his life, but he is the one who told me he didn’t want to be involved. It was his choice to never see him. It is hard not … Continue reading

Trinity vs. Oneness

The awesomeness of God is so great I believe most of us have a difficult time wrapping our puny minds around it all. In looking at who God is, there are two main views; one being that He is a trinity (three persons in one Godhead), and the other is referred to as “oneness” (believing He is one being). The Webster’s Dictionary defines “trinity” as: 1. The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one. 2. The union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead. 3. Three people considered as a unit. … Continue reading

Another Blow To A Cancer Victim’s Family

A New York couple that watched their 21-year-old son suffer through months of painful chemotherapy before he lost his battle to brain cancer is forced to deal with another painful blow this holiday season. For the past several months, Doug Rillo’s family has tried to remember the good times, but it hasn’t been easy. The Rillo’s are one of millions of families who have lost a loved one to cancer this year, but that’s not why they have been thrust into the national media spotlight. The family has been featured on a number of network news shows because of what … Continue reading

What To Believe? Fans Duped By Britney and Kevin?

There’s an old saying: “Don’t believe everything you read.” I suppose I should have known better when I read more than a month ago that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline named their new baby boy Sutton Pierce that perhaps, the choice was well… not official. After all, in a move straight out of the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes parenting handbook, we have not seen a single shot of the newest member of the Federline clan. Nor have we heard a peep out of either parent regarding the birth of their now six-week-old son. So, why should we have believed that this … Continue reading

The Madonna Adoption—Is It Finally A Done Deal?

Several news agencies are confirming that pop singer Madonna and her husband took custody of a motherless 1-year-old boy from Malawi on Thursday. According to news reports, Madonna and husband, Guy Ritchie filed adoption papers and received interim approval from a judge in the impoverished southern African nation. In an earlier report, the infant’s father said he was happy for his son, named David, and was pleased that the celebrity couple wanted to be his parents. The baby’s father, Yohame Banda, said he met Madonna and her film director husband Ritchie at the court as part of the formalities. “They … Continue reading

A Second Boy For Brit and K-Fed

Rejoice! He’s here! Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have added a second son to their fast growing brood, according to several entertainment magazines. I say “Rejoice” somewhat tongue-in-cheek since so much has been made of Spears’ second pregnancy. “Rejoice” not only because from all accounts the child is healthy, but also because the “Britney Baby Watch” is finally over. According to news reports, the newest Federline was born just before 2 a.m. Tuesday at a Los Angeles hospital, and was delivered via a scheduled C-section. Back in August, PEOPLE Magazine reported that Spears said childbirth “will be a piece of … Continue reading

What Happened at Kyle’s IEP Meeting

Having a son with autism who is now a teenager means that, for me, IEP meetings are taken in stride. I drove up to the junior high school, parked, entered the building, and immediately saw Kyle waiting in the hallway by the office. A wide grin spread across his face when he saw me, and he began to stoop over and clap to himself. “Hello, Kyle!” I said, hugging him exuberantly. Then we went into the principal’s office, where Kyle’s special education teacher, principal, speech and language pathologist, and art teacher were waiting. (I have started to notice, interestingly enough, … Continue reading