Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley’s Bundle of Joy

With apologies to our fearless Popular Culture bloggers, I must admit that I am usually woefully ignorant of TV and music personalities. Nor am I usually a reader of People magazine. I just had to purchase the October 5 issue, however, when I saw the cover featuring actress Katherine Heigl and her musician husband, Josh Kelley, with their ten-month-old daughter Naleigh, newly arrived from Korea. I’m so out of the TV scene that it took me several paragraphs to realize that Katherine Heigl wasn’t Kate Hudson, but her story sounded very familiar to me. Although the cover teaser talks about … Continue reading

What if she wants to be a cheerleader?

As I’ve written, I enjoy the differences between my daughters and me. I’m even learning to enjoy outspokenness, extraversion and being a sports nut, all foreign to my own experience and leanings. But we probably all have some biases, don’t we? I know I really, really hope my kids will attend a four-year liberal-arts college like my husband and I did. I really don’t care what they do after that. (Actually, in this economy, I’m encouraging my oldest to learn plumbing and drywall. ) But there is something else, something which seems to symbolize everything that I was not, every … Continue reading