10 Great Disney Songs

While writing up the best animated and non-animated lists, it occurred to me that what makes many of the films so attractive is the brilliant use of music. When Walt Disney began his studios so many decades ago, he recognized that movies with good acting, fantastic stories and memorable music would be hits. The majority of animated films that are successful feature soundtracks and scores that people hum years after their release. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious anyone? 10 Great Disney Songs To construct this list, I used the noggin. If the first few bars catapulted me back into the film’s moments as well … Continue reading

Fifty Greatest Soundtracks

I have often thought about the question “If you were stranded on a deserted island and could take only one compact disc with you, which one would it be?” I mean, I love music so if I could only have one CD, this would be an important decision. The other day, I caught a bit of the movie Purple Rain on VH1 and thought, “That would be a great CD to take if I could only take one.” I have always loved the soundtrack, having bought it when tapes were still popular. I ended up actually wearing that one out, … Continue reading

Disney iTunes For You

iTunes subscribers can now enjoy live broadcasts through streaming of Radio Disney. They just have to search in the iTunes Radio Tuner in the Top 40/Pop section. Radio Disney can be a great deal of fun to listen to and from time to time, we’ll listen to it over the satellite. Available and open to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, the iTunes Music Store is a great resource for finding musical tunes of all types as well as programming from many of the major networks and my daughter and I even purchased … Continue reading