Organic and Soy Milk Deals at Amazon

When we were kids, we went through milk like crazy. I remember my uncle having to go down in the morning to the dairy and again in the evening again because we’d already downed the two gallons from the morning. Of course, we had many, many children at home drinking it, and the milk was fresh from the local farms. It tasted much different then than the ultra-pasteurized and stored in plastic stuff that’s available in today’s grocery stores. We moved to Japan a few years ago and the only thing available that was considered “safe” by the local base … Continue reading

The Dairy Diet

A great source of calcium, vitamins and minerals is dairy foods. While some of us are lactose intolerant, many of us are not. Dairy is a fundamental food source, not to mention a good one. We can still enjoy dairy products in our life. The important key to enjoying what we love is to seek out lower fat versions of it. For example, powdered milk has a ton of calcium, yet there is no fat. You will also find that powdered milks has a lot less in the way of germs that pasteurized milk does. In Asia and many other … Continue reading

Mary Anne’s Product of the Week

Ever Wondered About that Diet Product in the Grocery Isle? I’m going to reserve Friday’s as my unsponsored product of the week day. As a Gen-X/Yer, I’m a sucker for any kind of new product, especially diet ones. I’ll be everyone’s diet product guinea pig and let you know my rants and raves. If you’ve got any suggestions, product raves or something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t, shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you!!! This week’s product: GeniSoy Soy Crisps. First of all, yum. These oven baked little morsels make a … Continue reading