Affordable Spa Fun

For many gals, nothing is more fun than a day at the spa.  Unfortunately, all that pampering can put a real dent in your wallet. If you are living on a tight budget, but want to treat yourself to a relaxing body scrub or facial, head to your kitchen or bathroom.  Believe or not, regular household items can be the key to an affordable spa pick-me-up. One of the cheapest ingredients for a DIY spa treatment is sugar.  The sweet stuff is inexpensive and versatile.  Sugar can be used to cleanse and exfoliate skin with very little effort.  What’s more, … Continue reading

Home Spa: Dry Skin Brushing

You can enjoy a luxurious exfoliating treatment at home — all you need is a vegetable bristle brush with a long handle or a hemp glove. Dry skin brushing isn’t just an exfoliating treatment, either! The benefits of this treatment go far beyond brushing away dead skin cells. The brushing or rubbing stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage, making this a detoxification technique that feels great and leaves your skin with a healthy glow. You can brush your skin on a daily basis if you have the extra time in your pre-shower routine. DO NOT try skin brushing if you suffer … Continue reading

Home Spa: Face Masks

Nothing is more luxurious than pampering your face! You don’t have to pay top dollar at the spa; you can enjoy a beneficial facial mask treatment at home. Facial masks are great for balancing combination skin, improving circulation, and moisturizing. Try these recipes for a great home facial! Preparation: Wash your face! To get the most benefit from your home spa mask, apply a warm compress to your skin or bathe your face in steam. Apply one of the following masks while the skin is still moist and warm. Yogurt mask. Look for live, natural yogurt (full fat) without additives. … Continue reading

Spa Mishaps: The World’s Worst Facial

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating just a little bit. I don’t really know if the facial I had was the world’s worst facial because it is the only one I’ve ever had. I was in Las Vegas a few years ago, around the time of my birthday (March 21st if anyone wants to start shopping). My friend bought me a spa package — massage, facial, and a full body exfoliating scrub. The massage? Pretty good. The scrub? Totally awesome. The facial? Emotionally scarring. I should have known I was headed for disaster when I got to the changing room to … Continue reading