Managing Clutter in Kitchen Cabinets

Do you find that your kitchen cabinets often appear to be bursting at the seams? How do they fill up so fast? It’s all stuff we need, right? From spices to storage containers, lids, glasses, gadgets, and more, we always seem to be adding more stuff to every storage area. Here are some tips to better organize and utilize the space you have and keep the clutter to a minimum: Contain those Food Storage Containers and Lids First, go through your storage containers and lids. Make sure each container has a lid that fits. Get rid of any that no … Continue reading

Cute Idea for Added Storage and Organization

This idea is perfect for a child’s room but it will also work in nearly any other area of the home. If you need a way to organize jackets, bags, backpacks, accessories or even other household items, you can hang them up in style with this idea. First, look for large, pre-cut, individual wooden letters to spell out your child’s name, the word “bath” or the name of another room, or maybe the word “stuff.” You can spell whatever you like, such as “home” or perhaps your last name. Your child can hang up accessories to keep things better organized. … Continue reading

Do You Need Extra Storage For Your Home Business?

Most home businesses require the storage and management of “stuff”—whether it is product or materials or equipment—having a home-based business usually means that we need to make room for some additional things we wouldn’t ordinarily need. However, if your home business generates a lot of “stuff”—including records, files or other materials—finding a place to store all that stuff can be a problem. I’ve mentioned before that it is necessary to store most business records (this includes receipts, financial records, sales records, etc.) for seven years. Depending on your type of home business, this may be as easy as putting everything … Continue reading

More Using Diaper Boxes

In a previous article, Using Diaper Boxes, I talked about some great uses for these boxes in the garage and on our porch. Now I’ll cover even more uses for these handy boxes. What are diaper boxes? They are the large, sturdy boxes that you get when you purchase your baby diapers in bulk. Bulk diapers can be purchased, usually, at a warehouse store or even at some baby stores, such as Babies R Us. I find that purchasing diapers in bulk really saves money. And to save even more, I take advantage of the boxes in which the diapers … Continue reading

Ideas For Scrapbooking Tool Organization

Scrapbooker’s seem to always have a plethora of tools. From large eyelet setters to cutters, various sized scissors, circle cutters and even large die cut machines. Finding a storage method is usually a challenge. And finding space can also be a problem. These are collected tried and true storage and organization methods, that have worked for other scrapbookers. Die Cut Machines Most of the die cut machines available, tend to be large and bulky. Most scrapbookers opt to actually store theirs on a table, making it easily accessible. In addition most of the die cut machines have storage containers available … Continue reading

Small Embellishment Storage and Organization: Pulling It All Together

There is simply no right or wrong way to sort, or organize your small embellishments. What you need to factor in, is the cost of your storage supplies, and how much of a budget for organizing you are on, as well as where you plan to store the items once you get them organized and into their proper storage containers. Space is very often another consideration. In an earlier article, I discussed sorting the embellishments to prepare them for actual storage. I also gave you some ideas of storage items you can use to store all these tiny embellishments. Hopefully, … Continue reading

Small Embellishment Storage and Organization: Getting Started

Small embellishments can be a real problem, when you are organizing your scrapbook space. Typically the reason is, because we tend to have so many different items. From buttons to eyelets. And brads, beads and charms too. It is just a chaotic mess, when you don’t know proper storage methods. First things first, you must figure out how you want to organize your embellishments. Not how you want to store them, but how you want to organize them before you store them. While there are dozens of ways to organize small embellishments, my preferred method is to first organize by … Continue reading

Organizing Often Used Supplies

With all the various scrapbooking products available, sometimes there are items we use every time we scrapbook. These items are different for every scrapbooker, but one problem is the same for everyone; figuring out how to store these items, and not having to take them out each and every time you are ready to create a layout. Whether you use a particular pair of scissors, or a certain type of adhesive, it would be better to keep a few of these supplies in a special container used each and every time you sit down to create. We can call this … Continue reading

Organizing Pens and Other Journaling and Drawing Supplies

Take a walk through my scrapbook area, and you will see dozens of types of writing implements. I have a variety of journaling pens, markers, colored pencils, water color pencils, chalks, and other items. With all the different items, storage can be a problem, because finding what you need is the key. Organizing these items together, means sorting through to find the right item each time. That can take time away from scrapbooking. So how do I store all these different types of writing implements and decorating items? First, my chalks came in a terrific box, created to hold them. … Continue reading

How to Store Hand-Me-Downs

Is it worth it to take, keep and store all of those hand-me-downs for the kids? With kids clothing prices going up every year, it is definitely worth it to hold on to some things. But how do you store the clothes without them taking over valuable living space? Here is what I do. In our new home, I am fortunate enough to have attic space, which really helps a lot. But previously, I got by without it, storing things in closets, under beds, in the basement or garage, and anywhere in the house that was appropriate and didn’t get … Continue reading