California Looks At A Pet Neutering Law

The state that is home to the American Kennel Club’s second largest dog show is looking at some pretty strict legislation to help curb pet overpopulation. California’s Assemblyman Lloyd Levine is sponsoring a bill that would require pet owners to sterilize their dogs and cats by the time the pet is four months old or face a hefty fine. The bill squeaked by in the Assembly, passing by a single vote. If passed by the California State Senate, the bill would be the nation’s biggest and baddest pet sterilization law. The goal is to reduce the number of dogs and … Continue reading

There Was No Joy In Kittentown…

Confession time: I am guilty of the crime of creative cat diapering. My friend Jenny recently got a lovely black kitten named Zoe. After a few months, it came time for Zoe to get spayed — among other things, spaying fights overpopulation, helps reduce the risk of running away and some diseases of the reproductive organs. Zoe came through her surgery with flying colors, and was soon feeling well enough to start messing with her cone. Also known as an Elizabethan collar, the plastic cone helps prevent a pet from accessing the surgical site and stitches. Instinct tells your pet … Continue reading

Tabby: One Very Sick Cat

I’m anxiously waiting for a call from the vet this morning. Tuesday when I brought Tabby home after her spay surgery she was fine. She hopped right out of her carrier and walked around almost like nothing had happened. But that was the trouble. While I was upstairs preparing her room so I could keep her confined for a few days per vet instructions, I had forgotten about the door from the laundry room to the garage I’d left open for Mr. Meow earlier that morning. He likes to sometimes go exploring out there, and after what I put him … Continue reading

Tabby Gets Spayed

Well, the procedure was yesterday and today Tabby was free to come home. (She had to stay overnight at the vet’s so they could monitor her and administer pain medication if necessary.) I was surprised when I opened her cat carrier and she popped right out. She seemed a little dazed, but more than happy to be home. I was happy to have her home too. I worried about her like crazy all day Monday. I know it’s a pretty standard procedure, but even those can run into snags from time to time. I was so relieved when Dr. Singleton … Continue reading

Tabby’s Trip to the Vet

Our family vet was closed Wednesday, but first thing Thursday morning I called and they were able to get us in that afternoon. We scheduled a pregnancy test and vaccinations. When we got there, I explained the saga of Tabby to Dr. Singleton: how I found her, how she’s wormed her way into our family, and how we plan to keep her. But I also expressed my concerns about her change in behavior towards our other cat, Mr. Meow. I admitted I feared she might be expecting, but I wasn’t sure because the first vet I had taken her to … Continue reading

Where to Go For Spaying/Neutering

Spay Day USA is coming — Tuesday February 27th. This is a great time to have your dog or cat (or rabbit or other small pet) spayed or neutered! You have several different options for the surgery. Most people have their regular veterinarian do the spay or neuter surgery. Choosing your regular veterinarian is nice and easy — they already care for your pet! However, this can be the most expensive option. Your vet may be able to offer special financing options or a have a special fund to help pet owners who can’t afford particular treatments and surgeries. Your … Continue reading

Pet Overpopulation Statistics

If you don’t believe that spaying and neutering your pets is a good idea, maybe these statistics will change your mind. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that between six and eight million cats and dogs enter animal shelters and rescues every year. Of that number, approximately half are euthanized — that means between three and four million dogs and cats die for no other reason than they are in a shelter that cannot afford the space or money to keep them. There are between four and six thousand animal shelters and rescue organizations in the United States. … Continue reading

Spay Day USA

Spay Day USA is coming — Tuesday, February 27, 2007. Traditionally, Spay Day USA takes place on the last Tuesday of February. This is America’s first and only national day of action to promote spaying and neutering pets! Spay Day USA was created in 1995 by the Doris Day Animal League for veterinarians, pet care professionals, animal welfare activists, business owners, and citizens to join forces for a great cause. Between 1995 and 2006, Spay Day USA spayed or neutered more than 1.3 million dogs and cats! Think about this: an unspayed cat can give birth to eighteen kittens every … Continue reading

Rhode Island Signs Spay/Neuter Law

Last month, Rhode Island became the first state in the nation to require cat owners to spay or neuter their pets (unless they plan to breed the cats and purchase a breeder’s license). Rhode Island Governor Don Carcieri hopes the move for mandatory spaying and neutering will help reduce the number of cats that are in shelters throughout the state — who often end up being euthanized. If the number of cats in shelters is reduced, that will help shelters save money by cutting down on housing and feeding costs. In 2004, between private shelters and municipal shelters in Rhode … Continue reading

Fight Overpopulation!

I just got my hands on the quarterly newsletter for the Rutland County Humane Society in Pittsford, Vermont — the shelter where I found my Lally Bee. RCHS is offering a great new program to help fight cat overpopulation in Rutland County. The program is called Spay the Mom. If your cat has a litter, you can bring momma cat and her kittens to the shelter. Rutland County Humane Society will spay the mother and return her to you at no cost. The kittens will be kept at the shelter and adopted into loving homes — after being spayed and/or … Continue reading