Sunday Travel Funnies: It’s All How You Look at It

What would you think if you were driving down a suburban street and found yourself at the end of a radar gun… being held by an 11-year-old? Would you slow down? Drivers in Louisville, Kentucky have. In fact, so many motorists have laid off the gas pedal when they see young Landon Wilburn that he has made front page news across the country. Since police can’t be everywhere, the enterprising boy took matters into his own hands. According to Wilburn, speeding motorists were out of control in his Louisville subdivision and when he shouts to drivers to slow down didn’t … Continue reading

Summer Travel Tidbits: Roadkill, Reckless Driving and Record High Gas Prices

ROADKILL If you are planning to drive along Illinois highways this summer don’t expect the views to be very pleasant. Unless you enjoy staring at miles and miles of roadkill, you will likely find the drive somewhat… well… gross. According to the state’s transportation department, it simply doesn’t have enough money to pick up as much roadkill as it normally does this time of year because it spent too much of its budget during the winter months. Representatives from IDOT say they spent more than twice the allotted $40 million to clear ice and snow during last winter’s severe storms … Continue reading

Travel Tales to Learn From

The next time you are pulled over for speeding here’s an excuse you might not want to use: “I’m sorry officer. I was too busy eating my Oreo to notice I was going so fast.” Just ask a 28-year-old driver from New York who tried to convince state troopers that his use of excessive speed was a simple mistake. According to police reports, the man was driving his 1993 BMW last fall in a small Connecticut town when officers pulled him over. That’s when the motorist told troopers the reason he was driving so fast was because the Oreo he … Continue reading

What NOT To Do If You Are Caught Speeding

I’ve written a series of blogs providing tips on what you should do if Smokey clocks you going over the speed limit… now I’m back to discuss some things you should never do if your lead foot gets you pulled over. Learn a lesson or two from a speeder in Seattle, Washington. The 20-year-old man thought he could get out of a ticket by burrowing into mud along a local highway and covering himself with dirt and leaves. According to police reports, the motorist was pulled over for speeding, but took off on foot when officers approached his car. Police … Continue reading

Avoiding Speed Traps on the Way to Grandma’s House—Part 2

In my previous blog I mentioned that the AAA estimates that more than 35 million people will hit the road during the last week in December. And as a holiday gift (of sorts) to drivers who tend to gun it behind the wheel in an effort to make up for lost time the National Motorists Association (NMA) has prepared a list of the worst “speed trap cities” across the country. The NMA describes itself as an advocacy group for the “interests and rights of North American motorists.” As such, they felt it would be helpful for motorists planning to drive … Continue reading

Avoiding Speed Traps on the Way to Grandma’s House

Tis the season to load up the family minivan and speed off to grandma’s house for another round of turkey and togetherness. The operative word here being “speed.” I’m pretty sure my family is not the only one that finds themselves scrambling around like decapitated chickens in the process of getting out the door and to family functions on time during the holiday season. The AAA is estimating that more than 35 million people will hit the road during the last week in December. And to help lead foots who will be driving to areas they are not familiar with … Continue reading

Speeding in Ireland

I would guess that it would be hard to catch a break from a judge who is hearing a case involving allegations that you were driving 112 mph in a 62 mph zone. Then again I have never been caught speeding in Ireland. Apparently, your chances of getting off the hook there are pretty good. As least if you believe David Clarke. According to police reports the 31-year-old motorist was caught flying down an Dublin road a few weeks ago at speeds in excessive of 180 kilometers per hour (roughly 110 mph) in a 100 kph zone (62 mph). When … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Cha-Ching!

I’ve written about luxury travel destinations and high priced travel items in previous posts, but this next one just might take the cake… or, at least the fruit compote. Visitors trekking to the upscale Sri Lankan resort called The Fortress, located in the coastal city of Galle, can now dine on what is being heralded as the “world’s most expensive dessert.” For $14,500 you can dig into the fruity confection complete with a chocolate sculpture and a gigantic gemstone (that latter is the real deal and is not made for human consumption). I’m not kidding. According to hotel managers, “The … Continue reading

Help For Drivers With Traffic Tickets

You were late for an appointment, gunned it down the highway, Smokey clocked you going 30 miles over the posted speed limit and wouldn’t let you off with just a warning… now what do you do? You could opt to pay the ticket, have points assessed to your record and take the hit to your insurance policy…OR you could hire a traffic attorney. In a previous blog I reviewed other options you could consider to get out of a traffic ticket, but neglected to cover the services a traffic attorney can provide. I know what you’re thinking: Traffic attorney = … Continue reading

You Got A Speeding Ticket… Now What Are You Going To Do?

The siren was on, the lights were flashing—you got pulled over for speeding and no amount of tears, feigned ignorance, or limited English could get you out of the ticket… now what do you do? Hang on to your wallet, there are ways you may be able to avoid paying the ticket, and perhaps, more importantly, clear it from your record. Traffic School You typically have to arrange the outcome of these daylong programs ahead of time. For instance, in most cases, you’ll have to pay for the ticket, but if you complete the class you won’t have to worry … Continue reading