Reviewing A Spending Journal

Are you ready to review your spending journal? You should have had some time to record your everyday purchases. If you haven’t started your spending journal yet, don’t worry. Just go back and read the earlier article, Creating A Spending Journal. Then you can come back and join us to review. So let us take a look at your journal. Look for patterns. Do you spend more during the week or on weekends? Do you buy a lot of convenience items that a little planning could eliminate? Where are your biggest impulse purchases? Trying to see the patterns of how, … Continue reading

Creating A Spending Journal

Whether you are new to frugal living or have been practicing it for a while, creating a spending journal is always a good idea. A spending journal allows you to see exactly what you are spending and the information it provides can really help you reduce that budget. A good spending journal keeps track of your purchases, with detailed information, such as when you spent money on something and even why. If you are just getting into frugal living, a spending journal is a great way to start, because when all of that information is in front of you, you … Continue reading