3 Sales Tricks that Mess with Your Head

Do you think that you are in control of your shopping? You might be surprised. That is because there are a number of sales techniques, from free shipping to coupons that can mess with your head and cause you to spend some serious money without even being aware that it was their idea, not yours. Comparison Sizes Can Trip You Up Let us imagine that your are at the movie theater, standing at the concession counter. You have to make a decision on what size popcorn to purchase out of three sizes, small, medium and jumbo. The medium is probably … Continue reading

Marriage and the Single Mentality

One of the things that being married involves is instead of just pleasing yourself and thinking,‘what do I want to do or need to do,’ there is another person to consider. It becomes what do we want to do or need to do. This means that you may not always get to do what you want, because there are other considerations. Sadly, while some people have a piece of paper saying they are married and a wedding ring on their finger, they have not changed their mentality. They still think like a single person. Their plans and schemes still revolve … Continue reading

How Major of a Purchase Can You Make without Consulting Your Spouse?

Marriage is a unity. By the term unity it is meant that two join as one. All of the history of each individual and all of the future of the two are combined. As most courts see it, things are split equally. Because of this unity, most couples feel that communication and joint decisions should be made when important issues arise. These issues may be family related, job related, or money related. When it comes to money topics, couples share different views on how the money in the relationship is divided. Some couples have a completely shared account. Others prefer … Continue reading