Spiritual Experiences

As I look back on my life I have a handful of moments that helped me to define my faith. These moments came often during times of great inner turmoil, as I struggled with a decision or through a difficult situation. Fortunately I was prepared to handle these moments. As a young child my mother and father taught me to turn to the Lord in times of need. I learned that when I prayed that He was listening and that He would answer me. As a parent now I am striving to teach my children the skills of personal prayer … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: Becoming Holy

This month’s visiting teaching message focuses on how we can become instruments in the Lord’s hands by practicing holiness. Today, I would like to examine what, exactly, holiness is. The bible dictionary notes that holy items were those “set apart for a sacred purpose.” The same can be said for people. Like many items in the temple, we, too, have a sacred purpose – to do His work and to return to Him. We were sent here to be tested. We have a choice of whether to be common and worldly, or to be different, to be set apart. The … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Men Ought Always to Pray

Yesterday, we talked about the parable of the wicked judge. Today, I’d like to take a look at why that parable was told. Christ provides the reason in the first verse of Luke 18: “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” We need to make sure that our physical bodies do not keep us from spiritual experiences. As a new mother, I’ve struggled with this greatly over the last six weeks. My schedule has been somewhat disrupted, and I have let my prayers and scripture study slide. Things have been on the “when you think of it” … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Worship in Spirit and in Truth

The last time we reviewed the scriptures, we discussed Christ’s role as living water. Today, as we study John 4:15-38, we further that discussion by centering on the spiritual nature of our worship of the Savior. Heavenly Father wants us to worship Him not just in form but in Spirit (vs. 24 JST). As we keep commandments and perform ordinances, it can be easy to focus on the temporal aspects of those forms of obedience. In short, it can be simpler to celebrate the physical act of baptism but neglect the spiritual portion. We can fulfill the duties of our … Continue reading

Rediscover Your Spiritual Side

Are you a spiritual person? If you are, then you can appreciate that spirituality can help you during difficult situations. But let me clarify a moment what I mean by spirituality. In my mind, spirituality is both the practice of religion and the belief in religion. I don’t believe one has to attend a regular religious event in order to be spiritual. I know many people who are spiritual and they would not term themselves as religious. Spirituality in Marriage I’ve discussed the topic of spirituality in marriage before. But today I want to look at it from a slightly … Continue reading