Spirituality and Fitness

Faith and fitness has been on my radar screen the past few days and now it has become a news story in the army. Recently a concern amongst atheists was raised with regard to a mandatory spiritual fitness test given to recruits. The point of the spiritual fitness test is to determine how well soldiers can handle not only the physical challenges before them but the psychological challenges as well. It was created to help curb a common result of combat, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Now I have always believed that the body and mind go together when it comes … Continue reading

What Are You Doing, and Why?

I remember coming home to visit during college and spending a little time with my youngest brother. I remember he asked me a question, which I answered. Then, he asked the question every parent or older sibling knows is coming: “Why?” Since I’d been away for a while, I hadn’t been asked why like that in a few months and kind of forgot how the whole process works with little ones. I answered his question, but my answer was met with another why. I think he asked why about four times before being satisfied with what I was able to … Continue reading

Increase Your Spirituality Through Finding Balance

As I look for peace in my life I find that it is directly related to my current level of spirituality and my focus on putting God and family first in my life. When I do this I am more at peace. I feel that I can accomplish more and everything else just falls into place. I write about this topic a lot, because I also find that it is too easy to allow myself to fall out of balance. It is easy to stop trusting the Lord and to worry obsessively about things that I have no control over. … Continue reading

Five Resolutions to Bring the Spirit into Your Home

I love it when home feels like a refuge from the rest of the world. It is important to create a space that allows your family to feel comfortable, loved and accepted no matter what. One of the best ways to do this is to have the spirit in the home at all times. It can be difficult to do this on a daily basis. Here are five resolutions to help your family bring the spirit into his home. First strive to have family prayer and scriptures study every day. This is one of the best ways that you can … Continue reading

Focusing on Christmas

As the Christmas season approaches it is important to take time now to prepare for the spiritual side of the season. While everyone enjoys the lights, the hustle and bustle of the holiday and the gift giving, it is too easy to lose the true meaning of Christmas. Taking time to formulate a plan to celebrate and remember the true meaning of Christmas can really help the season to come alive. One way that you can do this is by making time to serve someone during the Christmas season. Growing up my family always did the Twelve Days of Christmas … Continue reading

More Ideas for Developing Logical Thinking

I have discussed how many educators are now turning to the reasoning behind problems more than just simply asking for the answers. The ability for children to solve problems comes from two basic concepts. Those concepts are memory and reasoning. I had offered some ideas for parents to help their children enhance these skills at the ages of two and three. In this article those tips will continue for other ages. By the age of four most children can recall events in the form of memories. Children can remember places that they have been and people that they have seen. … Continue reading

Spouses and Differing Spiritual Wavelengths

Sometimes you go on a spiritual quest that your spouse supports, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you’re in the same spiritual boat as your spouse, sometimes you’re not. Because of the big changes our marriage has incurred recently due to my mom moving in with us, lately Wayne and I have been having a lot of discussions about my spiritual beliefs. Why just mine? Because Wayne has fewer than I do. Also, mine tend to guide my decisions, and Wayne doesn’t always agree with the decisions I make. (i.e. If you read my article in which I examined control issues, interpret … Continue reading

The Benefits of Being in the Same Spiritual Boat (Or Not)

In Marriage and Spiritual Quests I wrote about how once upon a time I set out in search of spirituality. And found it. But Wayne was concerned I’d make him adopt whatever way I decided upon too. While there is much to be said for sharing the same faith as your spouse, there is also much to be said for not sharing one too. Wayne and I have experienced both realms. Neither Wayne nor I can claim a denomination. Just as my parents were raised Catholic and that’s the first church I was ever introduced to (just not formally), Wayne’s … Continue reading

Marriage and Spiritual Quests

Are you and your spouse of the same faith? Did you convert to his religion in order to marry, or did she convert to yours? (If you came from different ones.) Or maybe neither of you had one before marriage and adopted one together. Or maybe you didn’t. Right after Wayne and I first got married I’d pass churches and feel guilty I didn’t have a religion. “Maybe we should see about finding a church?” I once ventured. “Maybe we shouldn’t. Why start going now anyway? You never wanted to before.” I couldn’t put my finger on what was happening … Continue reading

3 Things to Work on in Your Marriage

Marriage can be difficult at times. Sometimes it is just the daily toll of activities, stress and other items that cause keeping your marriage healthy to get pushed to the back burner. Other times it is crises that cause your marriage relationship to become strained. It is important to remember to consistently work on your marriage and your family life. It is important to work together in all aspects of your marriage life. There are several different areas that you should work on as a couple. Spirituality is one area that you can focus on as a couple. Praying together … Continue reading