Cultivating Your Testimony

Testimonies are very fragile. They need to be cultivated on a daily basis. There are times when it seems that you are strong, but seem to forget the need to continually nourish your testimony. It is also easy to push your testimony to the back burner as you struggle to meet the daily demands of being a parent. The simple fact is that the most important thing you can do each day is to nourish your testimony. You can do this by studying the scriptures and praying. Of course your children needs must be met, so you may need to … Continue reading

Finding Peace on the Sabbath

It is important to realize that the Sabbath Day is a day of rest. Many people try to cram so much into a Sunday, that they are left exhausted at the end of it. As a mother to three young children, there is rarely a Sunday that I do not come home exhausted from church. At times I wonder if all of my hard work is worth it, but I know that it is. Since church attendance is anything but peaceful right now, I find that I need to do more at home on Sunday to help me find that … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution: Growing Spiritually

If you have decide to increase your spirituality as one of your New Year’s resolutions, this is a great goal. You can do many things to help you draw closer to the Lord. However you may want to be careful as you pray. Often when I have prayed for increased strength, faith or knowledge, I have been blessed with a trial to help me grow stronger. Here are some things you can do to better your relationship with the Lord this year. 1) Study the scriptures and the words of the prophets this year. There is no better way to … Continue reading


It can be difficult to find time to sit and meditate. However, this is an important and essential thing to help keep our testimonies strong. As a mother to young children, I rarely get a quiet moment to focus on the things of the spirit, and when I do at the end of the day, I’m generally too exhausted to really be able to focus on things the way that I want to. Meditation is focusing and thinking on a certain subject. When I think of meditation in regards to my testimony, I think of it as a time to … Continue reading

Have the Christmas Spirit All Year Long

The holidays are a great time to bring the spirit into your home. You may be able to carry some of the suggestions into next year, so that you can have a home in which you can easily feel the spirit. This will help to cut back on fighting and discontentment. Here are a few ideas on having the spirit in our homes throughout the year. 1) At Christmas, many people have Christmas music on in the background. You can easily change this to hymns or Primary songs. Handel’s music can also set a peaceful tone. Classical music in general … Continue reading

Why Is It So Hard to Be a Mother?

Ever since watching Sister Julie B. Beck’s phenomenal conference address at the women’s portion of General Conference last week, I have been inspired to try harder to be the kind of mother she spoke of. I made up new job charts for my children and have stuck to enforcing them. I have recommitted myself to menus and to housework. I have tried to read my scriptures and pray more regularly. I have cut down the amount of television time. And it’s been one of the hardest weeks of my life. The opposition has come in full force and tried to … Continue reading

Show a Little Gratitude

Do you know someone who is happiest when they are complaining about something? There are people who just seem to enjoy talking negatively about their problems. They manage to find at least one thing wrong with everything. I know that I have personally experienced times in my life when I have felt that everything was turning out the wrong way. In my prayers I know I must have sounded like a complainer as I asked for solutions and guidance. Have you ever met anyone who manages to find a positive in every single situation? I know some pretty positive people, … Continue reading

Your Preparation for the Sacrament

One important thing that you can do each week is to partake of the Sacrament. This allows you to renew your baptismal covenants. It is a time for self-reflection and chance for you to make sure you are staying on the correct path. It is important that you make it a priority to regularly partake of the Sacrament. You should not allow other things to get in the way of doing so. You may want to take time either Saturday night or Sunday morning to prepare yourself to take the Sacrament. One way that you could do this is to … Continue reading

Spritiual Pick Me Up

As you go through lives ups and downs, you may find that you are in need of a spiritual pick me up. When you are struggling through difficult times, it is so easy to become focused on your needs and trials. This can cause you to feel depressed or separated. It can also affect how in tune you are with the spirit. One easy way to do solve this problem is to begin to serve others. Often when you think of service you think of giving something or spending a lot of time on something. An act of service can … Continue reading

Choosing Your Battles at Scripture Time

When we first got married, my husband said he’d like to read the scriptures every day as a family. We actually started the day of our wedding and haven’t missed a day since, except for when he’s been out of town. As the children came along and learned how to read, we’ve incorporated them into the reading, giving them simple verses and helping them as needed. We have one son who, for whatever reason, doesn’t like to read with us about half the time. He’ll fuss and complain, he’ll slur his words like he’s had one too many shots of … Continue reading