Sanitize Your Sponges

That sponge sitting near your kitchen sink can be harboring huge amounts of germs. Bacteria, yeast, and mold can all live in a kitchen sponge — meaning that the cleaning you do can actually spread germs around! Health experts suggest cleaning your sponge at least once every week (though twice a week is better). The best way to clean your sponge? Use the microwave. Simply wet the sponge and microwave it for a full minute. A study from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Maryland found that the microwave was the best … Continue reading

Don’t Fall into The Paper Towel Trap: Sanitizing a Sponge

I must be a really bad parent, at least according to the paper towel commercials. You know the ones that tell you that the average sponge has 500 million little germs that are just waiting to get you sick; germs with gleeful grins full of big pointy teeth? Or how instead of cleaning up the counter, my particular sponge may be spreading bacteria all over the place where it sits and waits for my child’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich? It is a scary tactic that is worthy of a small dictatorship. After all, it hits me in the gut, … Continue reading

Cool Ways to Color Easter Eggs, Part I

Buying egg-coloring kits is fine and there are some really cute ones available that include stickers and egg holders or involve a theme, but there are also homemade methods for coloring Easter eggs. Various methods will be detailed here from now until Easter, so check back often and print some out! Here’s one you can try. It can be a little messy, but it’s a lot of fun and it makes beautiful eggs. Just spread out trash bags or wax paper to protect surfaces before beginning. Sponge Painted Easter Eggs Boil eggs as you normally would. Allow them to cool … Continue reading