Dog Breed: English Springer Spaniel

James the English Springer Spaniel is a shining star in the dog world — he just took the Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show as a follow-up to his victory at the American Kennel Club Eukanuba National Championship. James is only the third dog to win both titles; the first was a Bichon Frise in 2001 and the second was a Kerry Blue Terrier in 2003. The English Springer Spaniel is a member of the American Kennel Club’s sporting group, which includes spaniels, setters, and retrievers. The breed was officially recognized by the AKC in 1910; over in England, the … Continue reading

About Sporting Group Dogs

The American Kennel Club divides show dogs into seven different groups: Sporting, Non-Sporting, Hounds, Terriers, Toy, and Working. Each group has particular characteristics in common. The Sporting Group includes dogs that were bred for pointing, flushing, and retrieving game, especially birds. Pointers, retrievers, setters, and spaniels are all found in the Sporting Group. These breeds are known for their instincts both in the water and in the woods. Sporting Group dogs hunt by air scent — rather than ground scent, like Hound Group dogs. Pointers are known for standing still in front of their quarry, using nose and body to … Continue reading