Spring Peepers

What can you do with your preschooler to celebrate the arrival of spring? The days are alternately balmy and chilly here, but spring has come, at least in the animal world. Here are a few ideas of ways to enjoy spring with your preschooler. You can look for frogs. In our neighborhood, the echoes of frogs are drifting down the street this time of the year. It’s lovely. My daughter and my husband went up to the local pond to visit them one night, complete with a trio of neighbors and a flashlight. If there are ditches near you, you … Continue reading

What Are Your Easter Traditions?

In my family, Christmas and birthdays are important, but we were never big on Halloween, Valentine’s Day, or Easter celebrations. The secular part of Easter passed with a new dress sometimes and a few chocolate eggs. Now, I am rather fond of Easter. I love the beginning of spring, because it means that birds are singing, crocuses are blossoming, and gardeners are creeping outdoors to plant seeds. So I’ve made the change in the seasons and the renewal of life a little bit more of a focus than my parents did. Why do you and your preschooler do for Easter? … Continue reading