Having Health Insurance Makes You More Attractive

What do you find attractive in a potential date? Your answer might include the color of a person’s eyes, and the shape of his or her body. Or, you might be looking for someone with a winning personality. Would you be more attracted to someone specifically because that person had health insurance? A survey finds that plenty of young people would answer that question affirmatively. The specific things that cause one person to become attracted to another can vary and tend to be at least somewhat influenced by the current economic factors. Not all young people start off by only … Continue reading

There is Always a Certain Element of Risk

Anyone in business—even a small, home-based business—has to try to balance security and risk. For some of us, we may want to minimize risk so much that we hold back and try to convince ourselves that total security and stability are the only way to go. The truth is, however, there is always a certain element of risk in just about any endeavor. I have worked with clients in the past who have been trying to minimize risk no matter what. They wanted to account for every penny, have plenty of insurance to cover every aspect of their business and … Continue reading