The Final Stages

My latest series of articles has approached the various stages that couples go through in a marriage or long standing relationship. How a couple moves through the stages can make the difference in the future of the couple. As you know, the first stage of marriage is often joked about. In many cases we will hear people comment on how a newlywed couple is still “on the honeymoon”. In other words, they have not hit reality. Reality usually hits hard in stage two. Couples no longer feel that their partners are perfect. Things begin to annoy, aggravate, and irritate one … Continue reading

Stage Three

The first stage of marriage is a hard act to follow. It sets up such a perfect world for couples that they do not know how to handle the second stage that they will enter. It can lead couples to great disappointment in their marriage. If stuck there too long, the second stage can often head couples in the direction of divorce. Thankfully, there is a third stage. The third stage is the process of realizing that your relationship or marriage needs work. It is the realization that you are not headed in the direction that you both desire. It … Continue reading

Stage Two

In some earlier articles I discussed how most relationships go through a series of stages. I also talked about the first stage that most newlywed couples go through. After the first stage of blind love and martial bliss, couples go through another stage. In stage two couples go through a lesser enjoyed stage. The mates begin to fall from the love high that they began on and hit a phase of disappointment. In this stage, couples are forced to face the truth of marriage. Our society sets up a very fiction ideal of love for us. We are prone to … Continue reading

Marriage: The Human Life Cycle

For all of us, there is a natural cycle to life. This cycle pauses or passes through various stages that many of us are familiar with. These phases or stages prepare us for the future – including future decisions and phases. Among the most natural parts of our lifestyle include: Infancy Childhood Adolescence Early Adulthood Midlife Old Age All of us go through these stages or phases as we grow, develop and age. It’s important to understand that our marriages go through a similar life cycle or stages and that each stage prepares us for the next. These stages can … Continue reading