When Children Feel Like They Are the Only One

There is something about the developmental stages of childhood and adolescence that seem completely universal—kids just seem to grow up, age, go through similar stages and such—regardless of when or where they live. But kids don’t know that. A child seems to feel like whatever it is he or she is feeling—he or she is the only one EVER who thought or felt that way… I think one of the tasks of maturing and growing up is to realize how universal and connected we are with other humans—how we feel the same emotions, share similar dreams, and have a shared … Continue reading

Parenting is a Roller Coaster Ride

There have been times when I wished parenting and life with children was more linear. To read the child development books, things look rather neat and tidy. Children move from stage to stage, phase to phase, and move along the stepping stones to adulthood with clear purpose. But in real life, it just doesn’t work that way. Periods of developmental bursts can often be followed by some types of “regression” and things can often seem rather up and down, push and pull and downright sloppy. What I have found in my parenting experiences is that stages tend to be more … Continue reading