Trekkies Get Your Wallets Ready

If you are a fan of “Star Trek”—brace yourself. Your chance to own authentic Vulcan jewelry, a Starfleet mini-dress or a uniform worn by the William Shatner is just a few weeks away. Crews are busy prepping “Star Trek” memorabilia, which spans four decades for a one-of-a-kind auction that features studio items from the sci-fi hit TV show. Auction organizers say the collection of more than 1,000 items is being sold by CBS Paramount Television to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first “Star Trek” TV episode. The collection, which is valued at nearly $2 million includes: · A replica … Continue reading

Want To Be Blasted Into Outer Space?

Talk about the final frontier! This October, the ashes of Star Trek’s James Doohan will finally be launched into space. Doohan, who played engineer Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott on the beloved show, died July 20, 2005 at the age of 85. His ashes were supposed to go into space shortly after that but the rockets required further testing. Scotty won’t be going into space alone. There will be the ashes of 100 additional people going with him. Astronaut Gordon Cooper will be among those going along for the trip. Cooper was one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. He … Continue reading

The Television Exercise Game

If you are familiar with any aspect of Pop Culture then you may or may not have heard of the various drinking games associated with different pop culture shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: The Next Generation and more. While I am not endorsing the alcohol portion of the game, I am going to shamelessly steal the idea for a great television exercise game that we can play! Exercise on Cue Choose your exercise du jour of the evening. Perhaps you’d like to do sit ups, push-ups or bicep curls. Whatever exercise you want to choose for this … Continue reading