Thinking of Starting a Meeting Planning Business?

Meeting and conference planning seems to be one of those businesses that is perfect for a home-based business. You can do most of the work from your home office, or from meetings with clients and venues, and it is something that can be done by one person. Before you jump in and start your meeting planning business, however, there are some things you might consider… Meeting planners need to be incredibly organized. There are a lot of details to manage and balls to keep in the air and it is one of those businesses where it if you see someone … Continue reading

If It Seems Too Good Too Be True…It Probably Is

For some reason, individuals who are passionately interested in running a home business seem to be prime targets for home business scams. You may have even been the victim of one of these get-rich-quick, or make-thousands-working-from-home scams in your quest to become independent and start your own home business. You can protect yourself by being on the lookout and investigating anything you are considering getting involved with. The old saying, “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is” is still very good advice. All those spam e-mails that show up in your e-mail inbox or advertisements you … Continue reading

Buying an Existing Business

Not every home business is created from scratch or from an individual’s lone idea. Many people come to owning and operating a home-based business by way of purchasing an exiting business from someone else. Have you given much thought as to whether or not this might be the way to establish and grow a business that is best suited for your own needs? The benefits of buying an existing business are that you already have contacts, a business model, and, hopefully, an operation that is already generating a steady income. This saves you the time and ambiguity it takes to … Continue reading

Admitting to Being a Beginner

I’ve heard mixed opinions about whether a person should admit to being a novice or not. Some individuals fear that others will think they are less competent or capable—especially in business matters—if they admit to being a beginner. While this may be a valid opinion, I also think there can be advantages to admitting when you are new or just starting out… I tend to go for the honest approach regardless and am not someone who hesitates to say if I don’t know something. It can be tricky when a person is running her own business, however. As we’re struggling … Continue reading

So, You Have an Idea for a Business, Now What?

Perhaps you are in the beginning stages of creating a home business–so “beginning,” in fact, that you have just hit on a fabulous idea and now you’re wondering what to do in order to get that “idea” out of your head and into your life? If you are at the very beginning stages of contemplating a home-based business, here are some suggestions for working out your idea and developing a plan to get you started: To begin with, put everything down on paper–before you even start to talk to people about your plans to go entrepreneurial, sketch out your idea … Continue reading

Can You Handle More than One Home Business?

Increasingly, when I meet people who run their own home business, I’m finding that people are juggling more than one “business” from their home. They may be freelance writing and doing direct sales, or, as is my case, consulting and freelancing. Or they may run a day care and another business. It seems that once one makes the switch to working from home, it opens up the possibilities for multiple business ideas and revenue-generating opportunities. Are you wondering if starting another home business might be right for you? Many of us started our own home businesses out of necessity or … Continue reading

Is Working at Home Your Dream?

Maybe you have always dreamed of working at home, but you really don’t know how to approach your spouse about it. Will he or she think that it’s a bad idea? You might start by casually mentioning the concept, but the best way to approach people when it comes to life altering decisions that also affect them, is to come to the table prepared. Do your homework. Research the home business you’d like to start and make a list of pros and cons. While you might be tempted to only list the positive points, the other person is likely to … Continue reading

Financing Your Home Business

There are many opportunities available to help you find start up funding for your home business, or to inject more capital into your existing or expanding home business. Start by doing some research online. You can find numerous sites filled with information on financing. One site that may prove helpful is Home Business Center. Here you will find information on everything from low interest credit cards and start up loans to unsecured personal loans and government grants. Do you need to write a business plan in order to secure financing, but you just don’t know where to start? You can … Continue reading

Work from Home Opportunities

There is a difference between work from home and work at home opportunities. Let’s discuss the former. You have probably heard of some of these opportunities, but have you ever given them serious consideration? Many work from home opportunities involve direct sales including hosting sales parties at other people’s homes, but they are far more flexible than a 9 to 5 job. They provide training and support to help you get started and many provide the means to make a very healthy income. Remember, these companies make money when you make money, so they want you to succeed. You also … Continue reading