Mom’s Word is Law

Have you ever heard the expression that “Dad’s word is law”? If you have, you may not have realized that you were hearing Scripture. Proverbs 1:8 says, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father; and forsake not the LAW of thy mother (emphasis mine).“ The Bible here clearly states that it is the mother who “lays down the law” in her home. Now, I am not advocating that if a father makes a rule a mother may overrule him and use this verse as her authority. What I am saying is that it is a mother’s responsiblity and privilege … Continue reading

Who Is “Keeper At Home”?

Some of you might be thinking, “KeeperAtHome, that’s an odd handle…” When I was debating about what name I wanted to represent me as I write for Families, the Lord laid Titus 2:5 on my heart. It exhorts young women to be, “…discreet, chaste, keepers at home…” Also, in Titus 5:14 the Bible says, “I will therefore that the younger women…guide the house…” From before I was married until my son was nine months old I worked in the professional world. I had a supervisory position in a health care facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. I found my job … Continue reading

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming for a Mom Moment

Good morning, I know you’re busy and you’ve probably got a dozen things to do and you’ve only got about five hours or so until lunch – I’m not going to mention breakfast because that’s likely a cup of coffee or glass of water that you sip now and again when you have half a second between your little one’s feedings, getting something out for dinner and doing another load of the unending laundry pile. Whether You Work or Not…. ….you, the mom, are the head of your family. You are the one in charge of raising the children, cleaning … Continue reading

Top Ten Most Fun Parts Of Being A Mom

Being a mom is so much fun! In the midst of the daily grind, it’s easy to forget that. Not only is it fun, but an hour spent devoted to enjoying your children is an investment that will impact the future generations. When we take time to play with our kids, we win their hearts and we build memories that they will cherish forever. I made out this top 10 list for a friend a few years ago. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I shared it with you all. This is just to put things in perspective and to … Continue reading