Staying Connected When You’re Apart

If you or your spouse travels often, one or both of you probably ends up feeling a little lonely at times. While missing each other can have a positive affect on your relationship, it can also be stressful. Try some of these ideas for staying connected: Talk all Day and Night Obviously, you cannot literally talk to each other all day and all night long, but you can speak to each other several times throughout the day and the night. These don’t have to be long conversations – just a few moments to catch up and to let your spouse … Continue reading

Family Issues: Stay Close to Distant & Traveling Family

Many of us have extended families that do not live nearby but with today’s technology, we can easily stay in touch and remain close. We can find great cell phone plans with lots of “any time” minutes or free nights and weekends, we can choose long distance plans for home phones that cover particular areas that we call most often. We can send an e-mail or an e-card, create an online newsletter, and of course, we can still write an old-fashioned letter if we get the urge. We can also make recordings and videos to send so family members have … Continue reading