Dating: Staying Together for the Holidays

Breaking up with someone before or during the holidays is difficult, but is staying together worth it? While some people will make ugly claims that one of the people in the pair just wants extra gifts, there’s much more to sticking it out when the relationship isn’t working. There is the psychological aspect, the loneliness, going to holiday parties alone, and many other issues that play a role in making this kind of decision. There are a few questions that should be answered in deciding if it is a good idea: Is it Mutual? Both parties must agree to such … Continue reading

That’s Not What I Said!

Yesterday, I got an email from Heather pointing to a blog called Crash into Love, which is written by Michael Smalley. I hadn’t been aware of the blog, but clicked on the link Heather provided, to find my name prominently featured in the first line of the headlining article on the site. Mr. Smalley apparently took a quick glance at my article, “Staying Together for the Kids… Really?” and really got the wrong idea. So, in case anybody else just read the first line or two and came to the same conclusion, I’d just like to make it clear that … Continue reading

Staying Together for the Kids… Really?

We have all heard couples sigh and say they have to stay together for the kids. They give these noble sounding speeches, and while some people really do mean it and have the best of intentions, others are simply acting as martyrs and they certainly aren’t doing their kids any favors. That may seem a like a harsh thing to say, but unfortunately, it’s true in some cases. Don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting divorce. I wish that every married couple could find ways to salvage their relationships. It doesn’t always work out that way, but neither does … Continue reading