Holiday Plans with the Ex-Spouse

You may have been married before and you may share children with that former spouse that you and your current spouse spend time with over the holidays. Navigating the holidays with your former spouse for your child’s sake can be difficult, but it’s important that both of you do your best – if for no one other than your child. With this in mind, here are a few key things to keep in mind where your ex-spouse is concerned: Plan ahead – if your ex-spouse has your child for Christmas Day and you have them on the day after, make … Continue reading

Tips for Dealing with Stepfamily Holiday Stress II

Here are some more tips that I hope will prove helpful: Talk to Your Kids It’s important to make sure that your kids don’t feel like they are taking sides, and that they know you will not be angry with them. Ask them how they would like to spend the holidays, and then work to make that happen. This can be a very tough thing to do, especially if your kids decide they’d like to spend the big day with Mom (or Dad) or their other grandparents and spend time with you and your family before or after. However, if … Continue reading

Tips for Dealing with Stepfamily Holiday Stress

When holidays become nightmares instead of joyous occasions, it’s time to do something different. It takes effort and everyone has to be willing to compromise. Now, some people might stop me there and say, “You don’t know my ex or her (his) parents!” No, I don’t know them, but I know what I had to deal with in the past, and it wasn’t pretty. Even if your ex and his or her family are difficult, you can find ways to make things go more smoothly. I hope some of these tips will prove helpful. Put the Kids First If all … Continue reading

Stepmoms Make Primetime TV!

This must be national Scared Straight week for potential future stepmoms and blended families! It seems like everywhere I turn, various popular TV shows are featuring some really scary stories about stepmoms-gone-wrong. In case the notion of the Wicked Stepmother wasn’t already burned into our social subconscious, this week will firm it up! Highlights from this week: Dr. Phil: On today’s show, titled The Final Ultimatum Dr. Phil features a stepmom who hates her stepdaughter. Yes, you read that correctly, she seriously hates the child. She refers to her as a “little thing” or a “monster”. Thank goodness that the … Continue reading