Simple Attempts at Money Stewardship

Sometimes we look at little things that can be done to save money and think, why bother. It is only going to save us a few pennies, so is it really worth the time? But simple attempts at money stewardship can really add up. Imagine that you had a leaky faucet in your kitchen. You know that you have to fix it, but right now you have bigger priorities, and you will get to it later. Before you go to bed, you place a bowl or bucket under the leak. In the morning, the bowl is full of water. Those … Continue reading

Respectful Stewardship

Have you ever wondered how rich people get their wealth? If you ask, they’ll tell you that they learned to take care of the money they had. They invested it or they spent it wisely, and their research and hard work helped them to acquire more. One millionaire I’ve heard speak doesn’t even go to the full-service line at the gas station – he pumps his own gas because it saves him a little bit of money, and he uses that savings wisely. When we are good stewards over our belongings, we show that we are grateful for the things … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Faithful and Wise Servant

For the last blog on this week’s Sunday School lesson, I’d like to examine the parable of the servants given in JS-M 1:49-55. In this parable, the master departs, leaving a servant in charge of his household. The wise servant is anxiously engaged in doing the work the master left for him, but the evil servant is slothful and spends his time in riotous living. When the master returns, the servant receives his reward. Elder Bruce R. McConkie states in his book Doctrinal New Testament Commentary that “Jesus speaks here of his ministers, his servants, the holders of his holy … Continue reading