How to Build a Grocery Stockpile on a Tight Budget

I recently received the following question from one of the readers about building a stockpile. “I know that buying things when they are on sale and building a stockpile saves money, but how can I do this when the normal groceries cost so much?” Sophia. Sophia has a really good point (hi Sophia!). It can be tough to build up a good stockpile when there isn’t any extra money to do it, but it can be done. You can start out small. Even an extra $5 a week toward a stockpile item will help. With $5, you can buy … Continue reading

Storing Staples: Flour

Buying in bulk and stocking up during sales is a great way to be frugal. But, if those items spoil or otherwise go to waste, you will wind up losing money instead of saving it. Proper storage is essential when you are talking about staple items. Staple items include things such as flour, bread, milk, eggs, butter and anything basic that you usually have to have on hand. A great additional advantage to storing staples is that you will always be prepared in case of emergencies. For the first bunch of tips for storing staples, let’s start with flour. Here … Continue reading